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Campus Ministry



SFHS is proud of our holistic approach to assisting our students in reaching their fullest potential as leaders for tomorrow. Along with an excellent academic program, we provide opportunities for our students to develop their spirituality through an active campus ministry. Our campus ministry, respecting all faith communities, facilitates this individual growth and development with various activities including weekly all school Mass, grade specific retreats, community service experiences, and presentations by acclaimed international Christian speakers and authors. The ultimate mission of our campus ministry is to nurture our students to be living examples of the teachings of Jesus Christ today and every day!

Community Service 

The community service component of the religion program is a real-life religion lab. The love Christ has shown each of us can be best returned to Him when we love and care for our fellow human beings.

  • Seventh and eighth graders participate in a service project involving the entire class. The project varies from year to year as needs arise.
  • High school students (grades 9-12) are required to earn five service hours per quarter. They are required to complete community service projects; various community agencies welcome our student involvement, including Habitat for Humanity, St. Joseph Nursing Home, The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Lions Club, Med Camps, the WCA, Northeast Louisiana Food Bank, Northeast Louisiana Veterans Home, Ronald McDonald House, Our House, and the Dixie Diehards, among many others.
  • In addition to these opportunities, our students are encouraged to develop projects as a class or individually. The living out of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy will assist the student to truly internalize the spirit of the Jesus Christ in Matthew’s gospel, when He stated, "when did you see me hungry and feed me, or naked and clothe me."
  • All service hours must be approved by the religion department. Download and complete the Community Service form to be sure you are getting credit.


The community of St. Frederick celebrates the Eucharistic Liturgy (Mass) weekly. Periodically all-school liturgies are held to celebrate Holy Days of the Catholic Church and special occasions such as Homecoming or the end of school. Celebrating Mass together is one way that our school builds community. All students and faculty, whether Catholic or not, attend. All students are welcome to participate by joining in the prayers, singing, listening, and responding reverently.

SFHS students of any faith tradition are offered the opportunity to serve in the following ways:

  • lectors
  • music ministers
  • gift bearers
  • cross bearers
  • assisting in planning the celebration
  • Catholic students age 16 or above, who have been confirmed, may be selected to be commissioned as Eucharistic Ministers.

Prayer Experiences & Opportunities

Because the school believes in its mission to assist students in developing a relationship with Jesus Christ, students have many opportunities for prayer, reflection, and reconciliation.

  • The Chapel of Saints Mary and Daniel is open at all times of the school day.
  • Area priests visit campus periodically for penance services, allowing all students the opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.
  • The student body also participates in prayer services like the annual "living rosary" held in October, the month of the Holy Rosary.

Parents, grandparents and other SFHS supporters are also provided opportunities to pray for our students, faculty, staff, and administration. Examples of these prayer times include:

  • Prayer Warrior Rosary Group which meets weekly to pray the rosary, in the Adoration Chapel located with the Chapel of Saints Mary and Daniel.
  • Eucharistic Adoration that takes place monthly during the school year on the first Friday of each month. Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Adoration Chapel located within the Chapel of Saints Mary and Daniel.

Religion Curriculum

The religion department curriculum includes traditional Biblical studies, surveys of modern ethical problems, and Catholic philosophy for daily living. For complete descriptions of these courses, refer to the Curriculum Guide. In addition, the environment of St. Frederick provides a religious atmosphere as a basis for all its curricular and co-curricular activities.

Faith In Action
